Fix Windshield Chips & Windshield Cracks With Ease!



"Tim, The new aluminum tool with the single suction is a great tool. Because of the stability of the bridge and easy to work injector it offers, I am able to make better repairs in quicker time than before. When my customers inquire, I am able to tell them that to the very best of my knowledge, I use the best tools and resins on the market. Thank you for providing excellent windshield repair supplies!"
James Johns
The Windshield Dude
Oklahoma City, OK

"Hey Tim! I recently purchased your equipment for repairing cracks long & short. Previously I was not doing cracks at all and missing out on a lot of income. This last weekend I used your equipment for doing 16 repairs at a car lot. WOW. I was impressed. More importantly, the car lot owner was very happy about the quality of the crack repairs. Previously, no one could do cracks for him and he had to replace all those windshields. In comparison to other equipment I own, I now call your equipment the Ferrari of crack repair. Like any High Performance vehicle there is a little learning curve. I would say keywords are FAST- NIMBLE . That thing takes corners in cracks like my Porsche takes corners on HWY 101. Thanks for GREAT equipment & fast customer service and your personal phone help. I am ordering more of your equipment tomorrow."

Doug Palmer


I’ve attached a few photos from my setup in Oklahoma. Last April, I started out with your Prokit #1 and an aluminum single head injector. I found a place to rent some space at a gas station, on a busy intersection, and started out with a $50 Easy Up canopy, and a few cheap banners from a website. The molded injector has done an adequate jobs; repairs done with it look as good as with the aluminum tool. However, I much prefer working with the aluminum tool, as it just feels better to use and it easier to work with. The molded injector serves as a great backup though for working on more than one car a time. The molded injector also works better for windshields with more flat angles, like Jeeps and RV’s."

"I wanted to write this for Tim about his windshield repair tools because he helped me change my life! Less than one year ago I lost my corporate job so I wanted to start my own business and I decided on windshield repair. I wanted windshield repair because I am helping the environment by taking a small part of 11 million windshields out of the land fill. Plus how many businesses can you start that the repair is free to your customers. This to me is a win, win for me and my customers. I started off with Tim’s smallest package with the molded injectors and his 3 day training class. The training was well worth the money I spent on it. They not only trained me on how to fix a chip and a crack but the office side of it also with all the insurance billing. With Tim’s starter package I started off with the molded injectors and I have since bought the Dual headed aluminum injector and a single headed aluminum injector because my business keeps growing I am now putting in my budget for 2 more aluminum injectors. The molded injectors have held up great and I still use them daily. I really do like the aluminum injectors and they are worth the money I have spent on them. I started off in January of 2011 and I was doing 1 to 3 cars a day well soon as spring came I was doing 3 to 6 cars a day. I hired a sign swinger and now I do 6 to 15 cars a day. So for my first year I will do 50,000 to 60,000 and the second year I think I will be making 6 figures. Now I am getting so much repeat business and referral business that I think I will be well in to the 6 figure range for 2012.”
Rick Morley

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