Fleet Repair Kit
Regular price £242.00
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This is a starter kit for businesses that would like to perform DIY windshield crack and chip repairs on their own fleet of vehicles. Includes 1 molded tool and supplies for up to 10 windshield crack repairs up to 18” or 50 chip repairs, video training, and a written reference guide.
Fleet Windshield Repair Kit:
- Allows you to repair chips and cracks up to 18”
- This kit is designed to do approximately fifty repairs
- Learn how to do repairs with our DIY Windshield Repair Video Training
All of our patented tools include lifetime warranties
We've combined our basic kit with some additional must-have tools for someone looking to do ten or more repairs a month.
Here is exactly what you'll get in our DIY kit:
- Online Windshield Repair Training
- 1 Molded High Impact Tri Cup Injector Tool (Lifetime Warranty)
- 1 Patent Pending Drill Stop collet
- 1 6cc Bottle of 20 Chip Resin
- 1 6cc Bottle of CUS Chip Resin
- 2 Black Piston O-Rings
- 2 Red Injector Seals
- 2 Tungsten Carbide Drill Bits
- .25 oz Suction Cup Lubricant
- 1 Bulls-Eye Tapper and Needle
- 1 3.7V Cordless Drill with Charger
- 5 Cure Tabs for Finishing Repairs
- 1 Razor Blade and Holder
The Fleet Windshield Repair Kit improves your ability to do repairs with these must-have tools and products:
- 1 6cc Bottle of 45 Crack Resin
- 1 6cc Bottle of Pit Filer Resin
- 1 Tool Carrying Box
- 1 Molded Crack Expander
- 1 Chip Maker Punch
- 1 Scribe
We've also added some additional bonuses so that you can repair even more chips and cracks with this kit:
Bonus #1: 3 Additional Black Piston O-Rings
- These important o-rings will wear out after continual use so we've added some extras so you can get more life out of your windshield repair kit.
- Need more? Head over to our resupply page to buy additional black piston o-rings.
Bonus #2: 3 Additional Red Injector Seals
- Red injector seals are used for most windshield repairs and provide a better seal with less pressure. Many of our customers prefer the red seals for everyday use with their windshield repair kits.
- Due to the pressure and contact with sharp surfaces, injector seals will need to be replaced from time to time and these additional red injector seals will extend the life of your windshield repair kit.
- Need more? Head over to our resupply page to buy additional red injector seals.
Bonus #3: 5 Black Injector Seals
- Many of our professional customers prefer these harder black seals over the red seals. These black seals allow you to get more pressure, particularly important in high-temperature environments.
- Due to the pressure and contact with sharp surfaces, injector seals will need to be replaced from time to time and these additional black injector seals will extend the life of your windshield repair kit.
- Need more? Head over to our resupply page to buy additional black injector seals.
Bonus #4: 3 Additional Tungsten Carbide Drill Bits
- Many repairs require a tungsten carbide drill bit for repairs. Due to the heavy-duty nature of drilling glass, you can expect roughly ten repairs per drill bit.
- We've added three additional tungsten carbide drill bits to help you repair up to fifty windshields with this kit.
- Need more? Head over to our resupply page to buy additional tungsten carbide drill bits.
Bonus #5: 10oz Tube of Suction Cup Lubricant (40x the lubricant)
- Enough lubricant to do up to fifty windshield chip & crack repairs.
- 40x the amount of lubricant as our Basic DIY Windshield Repair Kit.
- Need more? Head over to our resupply page to buy additional suction cup lubricant.
Bonus #6: 2 Additional Suction Cups
- Can be used on either the Tri Cup Injector Tool or the Crack Expander.
- Need more? Head over to our resupply page to buy additional suction cups.
Bonus #7: 5 Cure Tabs for Finishing Repairs
- Cure tabs are an important tool to help your resin cure when you've filled an impact point or filled a drill hole to keep your repair flush with the glass.
- Need more? Head over to our resupply page to buy additional cure tabs.
Bonus #8: 10 Additional Razor Blades
- Razor blades are used to clean and remove additional resin after a repair.
- These additional razor blades extend the life of your windshield repair kit so you don't have to chase down additional razor blades when the time comes.
- Need more? Head over to our resupply page to buy additional razor blades.
This kit is ideal for anyone looking to do multiple repairs each month like:
- Fleet
- Small Car Dealerships
- Busses
- Vehicle Rental Businesses
- Rideshare Drivers
- Private Car Rentals
If you're a full time or professional business you should consider our Powered By Crack Eraser Master Kit