45 Resin - Liter
Regular price £388.00
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Crack Eraser 45 Chip and Short Crack Repair Resin in a Liter Bottle.
Ordering liters is just the ticket if you have more than one shop and are performing hundreds of windshield chip repairs. We suggest you email of call before you order liters to make sure you are getting the correct resin for your climate and temperature range. 45 chip repair resin has been tested in warmer areas of the world and has shown to work in all damages such as stars, bulls-eyes and combinations. We do not recommend it for colder climate of repairing cold windshields this resin works best on warm to hot glass. If the glass is to hot too touch please cool the windshield down before performing the repair.
We have clients all over the world and can ship to you wherever you are.
Call us at 719-331-5966 or email us at info@crackeraserprokits.com before you order if you have questions about the 45 chip repair resin.